
The 2023-2024 Academic Board Meeting of our Faculty was held.

Our Faculty's Academic Council Meeting for the 2023-2024 academic year was held on March 5, 2024, with the participation of our University's Rector, Prof. Dr. Orhan UZUN. The academic council, attended by academic staff, commenced with a presentation by our Faculty's Dean, Prof. Dr. Metin SABAN. He expressed gratitude to our University's Rector, Prof. Dr. Orhan UZUN, for his presence. Beginning his presentation, he paid tribute to Mehmet Sait KÖSE, an International Trade and Logistics Department Faculty Member who passed away suddenly due to illness in September 2023. He then provided information about our academic and administrative staff, student profile in numbers, and our physical infrastructure. The presentation continued with a focus on monitoring and evaluation of quality by the Higher Education Council (YÖK) and our university's strategic plan indicators.
During the presentation, our Dean noted fluctuations in student numbers, especially during the pandemic period, but observed a normalizing trend in the following years. He highlighted that our students are predominantly distributed across the Black Sea region, with the Aegean region having the least representation. Additionally, he emphasized a rising trend in international student enrollment over the past five years, positioning our faculty as the third-largest undergraduate education provider among faculties. The presentation underscored collaboration with leading universities worldwide under KA131 Agreements. Academic performance of our faculty members was evaluated based on publications indexed in SCI, SCI-Exp., SSCI, ESCU, AHCI, projects, papers, citations, and book titles. It was mentioned that scientific publication activities at the faculty level, excluding national papers and books, had shown an upward trend from 2019 to 2023, indicating an improvement in the quality of scientific publications.
The presentation also acknowledged significant progress in meeting strategic plan monitoring and evaluation performance indicators, while recognizing the importance of addressing unmet indicators for further enhancement.
Following the presentation, our University's Rector, Prof. Dr. Orhan UZUN, congratulated the faculty's academic staff for achieving a significant level of quality scientific publications over the past five years and wished for their continued success. He praised faculty members who had projects and publications in prestigious indexes and stressed the importance of effectively utilizing project opportunities. He thanked everyone contributing to improving the performance indicators of the strategic plan monitoring and evaluation. He stated, "Academic councils are also the report cards of faculties. In academic councils, we see what we have achieved and what we have not achieved in the relevant year. We should address what we have not achieved based on the PUKÖ cycle and conclude them. We should strive for continuous improvement." He then expressed gratitude to the previous Dean, Prof. Dr. Şaban ESEN, and our current Dean, Prof. Dr. Metin SABAN, for their efforts and successful presentation. The meeting concluded with the answering of questions from faculty members.

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  • The 2023-2024 Academic Board Meeting of our Faculty was held.